The Football Star

Being that I know little to nothing about football, I was a bit intimidated to take this senior’s portraits on the football field. I believe when we met my first question was, “So you’re like an important player on the team, eh?” — yeah, he probably thought I was pretty […]

Just Because

It really says something about your relationship when you want to get professional portraits taken of you and your spouse… just because. Just because! What a treat. These two are so beautiful together. I love the way they look at each other and sort of click into each other so […]

A Beautiful Day

It’s really a gamble to take family portraits outside once you get to mid-November. Will it be freezing? Will there be snow on the ground… or just wetness everywhere? Or WORSE: will it just be an ugly, grey day. Don’t get me wrong! I love grey skies. But for a […]

Fun in the Leaves

It’s a huge bonus when a family brings their own creativity and ideas into a shoot! This fun-loving gang wanted to show off their inner sports rivalry, as Dad is the only Browns fan amongst a sea of Bengals. Of course I was game! (he he… game… get it?!) I also […]

Linguist, Historian, Model

It was really hard to choose favorites from Casey’s senior portrait session. Between his confidence, effortless charm on camera, and the rich autumn colors around us… it was a perfect shoot! Ok yes I’m sure he’ll do great studying linguistics and history, but if all else fails don’t you think […]