Congratulations to the Miami Valley School class of 2019! I’ll admit that even though I don’t personally know these kids very much at all (other than taking their pictures all year at school events), I got choked up more than once at this year’s commencement activities. Aside from the beautiful grandeur of the stunning Victoria Theatre in downtown Dayton, I love all the unique touches of their ceremony. They find a way for you to hear from and see every single graduate. And one of my favorite moments was when all of the “lifers” (students have been with the school since Kindergarten, pictured in the first photo below) stood up and read a poem from their elementary-age days. Hilarious and touching!

If you are an MVS parent (or new alum!) interested in ordering prints from this event or gap & gown headshots, check out the client gallery for pricing information and ordering details.


One thought on “ConGRADS!

  1. What beautiful photos!! —and your description of this graduation event sounds moving and memorable!

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